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We are a community that values words as we seek to follow the Word. Read stories by and about our faculty, our students, our alumni, and about ideas that illuminate matters of faith.

Leading Beyond the Walls

Windows Current Issue

Windows, the magazine of Austin Seminary, features articles and essays designed to enrich the spiritual lives of alumni, congregations, supporters, and other followers of Christ. Windows features faculty-recommended books and news about the enterprise of theological education practiced at Austin Seminary. The printed edition of our summer issue includes our listing of mission partners. Windows is published three times a year and available in print and online.

Summer | Fall 2023 Windows

Austin Seminary's Certificate in Ministry (CIM) program was begun in 2013 to extend theological education to lay persons interested in training to be worship leaders.

Spring 2023 Windows

In March, The Reverend Dr. José R. Irizarry was inaugurated as Austin Seminary's tenth president. Read about the service and learn a bit more about this new leader and his ideas for the future of this school of the church.

Winter 2023 Windows

You might say Music and Worship is Austin Seminary's bread and butter. Read how this emphasis on worship informs and inspires our students and faculty.

Summer | Fall 2022 Windows

As Ted Wardlaw retires after twenty years leading Austin Seminary, those who have observed his presidency weigh in on his legacy.

As Ted Wardlaw retires after twenty years leading Austin Seminary, those who have observed his presidency weigh in on his legacy.

Spring 2022 Windows

Windows: Spring 2022 issue: The Master of Arts in Youth Ministry degree program offers real-time experience along with intensive theological education with a cohort of students experiencing all that youth ministry has to offer. 

Winter 2022 Windows

Public theology probes Christian faith in all its riches, offers a vision for how to live the faith today, and works with others to seek the flourishing of all creation.

  • windows
Summer | Fall 2021 Windows

Austin Seminary's new Post-Graduate Pastoral Residency program gives real-time experience to new graduates preparing for their first call in ministry.

Spring 2021 Windows

In this Spring 2021 issue of Windows we take a deep dive into all of the resources and programs in Education Beyond the Walls, our multi-layered lifelong learning program.

Winter 2021 Windows

The theme of the Winter 2021 issue, "Remembering 2020," features reflections from Austin Seminary alumni on the year that was.

Insights Current Issue

Insights, the Faculty Journal of Austin Seminary, features an essay by a faculty member drawing on his or her research and teaching interests. Scholars from diverse perspectives reflect upon the theme, and pastors and practitioners bring their ministry contexts into the conversation. The issue also includes book reviews and an essay written by an Austin Seminary professor which thoughtfully addresses issues critical to contemporary life. Insights is published twice a year and available in print and online.


Horizons in Biblical Theology
Editor-in-Chief: Gregory Lee Cuéllar

Horizons in Biblical Theology (HBTH) is an international peer-reviewed journal that brings together cutting-edge interdisciplinary research at the interface of biblical studies and theology. The journal’s theme of “horizons” is meant to evoke the creative ambiguities of the disciplinary borderlands of biblical studies and theology; while “biblical theology” signals a critical, intersectional, and ecclesial discourse with global relevance.


A joint project between Austin Seminary and Westminster John Knox Press, Connections: A Lectionary Commentary for Preaching and Worship provides new resources to help preachers achieve the goal of connecting congregations to Scripture. This nine-volume series offers creative commentary on each reading in the three-year cycle of the Revised Common Lectionary. It does so first by viewing that reading through the lens of its connections to the rest of Scripture; and then seeing the reading through the lenses of culture, film, fiction, ethics, science, and other aspects of contemporary life. Included as well are commentaries on the Psalm readings that connect them both to the other readings for the day and to the congregation's experience of worship.

Ordering information may be found here.