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Austin Seminary seeks to share its rich resources with the broader faith community through three podcasts. "Insights: the podcast" strives to engage listeners with the theological process. "Winsome" explores the individuals and programs that make the Austin Seminary so, well, winsome!

Insights, the Podcast

Insights, the Podcast features long-form, in-depth interviews with faculty authors and convocation speakers. Catch the impromptu intonations, inflections, points of hesitation, and points of heart-felt passion as the authors respond to questions that invite us all to dig deeper. Prepare to be stimulated to richer reflections, questions, and convictions.

Winsome Podcast

Plug in those headphones and join Sarah Allen, director of ministerial formation and advanced studies, and William West, director of financial aid, as they converse with members of the Austin Seminary community about all things faith, life, vocation, and the cherished Polity Bowl.

The Collective Voice

The premiere podcast of The 787 Collective centers the voices of young adults by inviting them to share their life experiences as they seek to find belonging, their faith struggles and growth throughout life's various transitions, and invites them to embrace their curiosity. Tune in to hear what young adults have to teach, or reach out and be a part of the conversation.