VI. "Courage for Justice and Peace”
“Courage for Justice & Peace” is part six of a six-part series inviting you and a small gathering of people to share a meal and engage in intentional conversation during each meal. May this guide attune you to the mysteriously holy experience of sharing a meal.
Before the meal begins each person is invited to introduce themselves by sharing the name they prefer to be called, the pronouns they use, and the most meaningful speech they have ever heard.
Invite someone to offer a blessing—this, or their own blessing:
Holy One of abundance and welcome, we give thanks for your creation and the goodness that it produces. As we open our mouths to consume and converse, may our eyes, our ears, our hearts, and our minds also be open to the sacred that is among us. Amen.
(All are invited to eat at this time)
- Invite someone to read “Courage for Justice & Peace” by Rev. Dr. Ron Swain.
- As you read this together pay attention to the thoughts, the feelings, and personal previous experiences that arise.
What aspect of Swain’s piece stood out to you most?
What feelings arose in you?
Where have you experienced or witnessed resilience?
How do the themes of courage, justice, and peace resonate with you, the work you do, and the person you are becoming?
What role do these themes play in your community?
What role does communion, and/or a shared meal such as this, play in these three themes?
- What is the “parting gift” you will be taking from this shared meal?
- Invite each person to share a one-word blessing before you depart.