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Keeping the Feast

Each of the six articles written by members of our Collective has an accompanying guide that can be used individually or as a six-part series—inviting you and a small gathering of people to share a meal and engage in intentional conversation during each meal. You can access the guides by clicking on the images or titles below.

"Even for Me"

by Sarai "Sopphey {V}ance Oviedo

Communion is one of the oldest rituals in Christianity, but what is communion and who is it for? Sopphey Vance, a recent graduate in the Master of Divinity program at Austin Seminary, explores these questions and the role communion plays in belonging. 

"Home Cooked Fridays"

by Mary Ann Corbett

What is the connection between communion and hospitality? Mary Ann Corbett, a retired public school teacher and member of All Saints’ Episcopal Church in Austin, Texas, wrestles with this question and how we show welcome.

“Holy Communion Reflection”

by Bruce Shrott

Communion is an act of remembering and uniting us to all who have participated in this holy experience. Bruce Shrott, a member of First United Methodist Church in Georgetown, Texas, invites you to remember your most meaningful experience of communion while sharing his.

“Tear the Bread, Pour the Juice”

by Jann Kibe

How does communion strengthen our community bonds? Jann Kibe, a Kenyan-American writer and social impact enthusiast, beautifully shares her experience as she delves into this question.

“Broken Body Kaleidoscope”

by H.N. Silva

How does Communion call us into deeper connection with both the people and the natural world that surrounds us? H.N. Sliva shares their various experiences with communion in an attempt to answer this question.

“Courage for Justice and Peace”

by Ron Swain

It is said the only constant is change. Amidst uncertainty and constant change, the Reverend Dr. Ron Swain invites you to consider the themes of courage, justice, and peace.