E-book Help
The library at Austin Seminary provides access to over 500,000 e-books to our researchers. You may find these e-books as part of your Sophi Search results, linked from your course pages, or as part of the official booklists.
You can quickly search the library resources, including e-books, by keyword, title, or author in the Sophi Search search box on the library web page: www.austinseminary.edu/library.
On the Sophi Search results page, check “eBooks” under the Sources filter on the quick filter menu at the top to limit your results to eBooks.
You’ll also find lists of curated e-books by topic, among other sources, on the Online Resources page.
While you can search for e-books anywhere, to access the full text, you will need to log in with your Austin Seminary credentials.
Only current students, faculty, and staff have access to e-books from off-campus, but any patron can access these resources on campus using the computers in the library. E-books can generally be read online, saved as PDFs at the chapter level for off-line reading or printing, or downloaded in full for a limited amount of time to read off-line on a laptop or mobile device. See this detailed handout or this quick guide for information on accessing e-books on your computer or mobile device.
Our e-books come from a variety of vendors and publishers, each with their own methods of access, tools for use, and restrictions on content. See the tabs below for more information, and never fear, the librarians can help you access the content you need, when you need it! If you have any questions about e-books, please contact us at library@austinseminary.edu.