God gives voices to all, and music is a vibrant part of our spiritual life. Austin Seminary is a singing community, and our song at worship crosses boundaries of style, century, and language. Both in worship and in academics, music is a gift and a spiritual practice to which all are invited. Song is an integral part of our worship; the congregation sings from three hymnals and from other sources, and the Seminary Choir and other seminary musicians participate each week. The Seminary Choir is open without audition to all students, either for academic credit or not. Musical gifts in the community find a home in our worship and in other parts of our life together.
The recently established Hal H. and Martha S. Hopson Endowed Church Music Symposium Fund enables the Seminary to host nationally and internationally renowned church music practitioners and to offer special services and events. Recent events have included a Reformation Song Festival, a Jazz Vespers, and a week’s residency by the Iona Community’s John Bell.