Jan. 30-Feb. 1 | Listening to the Church: A Time to Break Down and A Time to Build Up

The Church Ain't What it Used to Be: Confessions of a Pastor

Presented by Rev. Tom Are Jr.
Description: Are we in the final days of the mainline church or are we in the midst f a new season, even a new reformation? The way forward for both congregational life and pastoral ministry will be shaped by what we can trust and what we can imagine. The possibilities for faithful ministry to be claimed by both congregation and pastor begins with confessing that the church ain't what it used to be.

The Pastor as Minor Poet

Presented by Rev. Dr. Craig Barnes
This is a confusing time to be a pastor, and the greatest confusion is over the pastor's identity. These two lectures will draw insight from the biblical and historic vocation of the poet and will suggest it as a compelling image for pastoral identity in the 21st century.

Spiritual but Not Religious? Reflections on the Bland Majority

Presented by Rev. Dr. Lillian Daniel
In a culture of narcissism and the ability to instantly communicate our every thought and personal opinion, the church matters more than ever as a place that calls us to something larger than ourselves. But how do progressive Christians articulate a case for digging deeply into the tradition in a culture that says spirituality is all about you and the here and now?

FREE lectures.

Click here for more information & to register

Feb. 25 | Sundays & Sacraments


This workshop is for people who lead worship—ordained or not—who want to develop and enhance their skills in presiding at the principal services of worship of a congregation. Participants will study the Sunday liturgy, the service for baptism and for the Lord’s Supper, with attention to the leading of prayer, public reading and presiding at the corporate celebration of the sacraments. $25 individual/$20 group rate.

Click here for more information & to register

March 3 | Caregiving: Professional Training for Non-Professionals

In partnership with Seton Healthcare Family Clinical Pastoral Education


If you are a person involved in caring for people’s needs because of your faith, this event will help you increase your listening skills, your capacity to convey empathy and your ability to reflect on the experience of care-giving in light of your faith. Pastors, Stephen Ministers, volunteers and care teams will benefit from learning ways to improve their practice and exploring their own faith more deeply. $25 registration.

Click here for more information & to register

March 24 | Crossing the Border with the Bible and Theology

Presented through partnership of Austin Seminary, Lutheran Seminary Program in the Southwest, and Seminary of the Southwest


We will begin by exploring the social, cultural, political, economic, and historical definitions of "border" as a context for knowing God, reading the Bible, and practicing ministry. Then, participants will look closely at one particular form of storytelling from the border, the corrido or ballad, to begin to see how people crossing boundaries create meaning and construct identity via the Bible and border-cultural expressions. $12 registration

English-only speakers will look more closely at the experience of being members of the majority culture and traveling across the border and how the Bible might be read differently in light of what is learned.

Spanish-only speakers will delve deeply into key passages from the Old and New Testaments that focus on people living at the boundaries of place, race, and gender to see how God speaks to congregations of people who cross the borders.

Click here for more information & to register

April 12-13 | Running to Stand Still: Stability and Christian Mission in a Hyper-mobile Culture

Presented by Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove


Noting the ways mobility has both enhanced and compromised Christian mission, this lecture will focus on the importance of place and the practice of stability for the church's mission in our world today. His workshop will focus on concrete practices from the wisdom traditions of those who've practiced stability, including "manifestation of thoughts" and fixed-hour prayer. FREE

Click here for more information & to register

April 23-25 | The Barefoot Way: A Guide for Youth, Young Adults and the People Who Walk with Them

Presented by Austin Seminary and APCE, funded by First Presbyterian Bryan, Texas


God spoke to Moses at the burning bush, essentially telling him to kick off his flip-flops and get ready to stand on holy ground. God speaks to us all today, asking us to follow a barefoot way—one which invites us to experience the Holy One who has a call on our lives. Join us to practice a method of theological reflection which will renew us in our callings, even as it challenges us to expand our roles as leaders who act from our own inner wisdom, and learn ways to invite children, youth, and adults in discerning their call to vocations of care for the earth, the church, and all of God’s people. $75 for SCRAPCE and APCE members, $125 for non-APCE members

Registration coming soon.