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Eric Wall

Faculty Information
Department(s) Church's Ministry Department, Faculty
Title(s) Gene Alice Sherman Associate Professor of Sacred Music, Dean of the Chapel
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Discover Professor Wall's sermons here



BM, Organ Performance, Florida State University, 1991, Magna Cum Laude

MM, Choral Conducting, Florida State University, 1993



Eric Wall serves as the Gene Alice Sherman Associate Professor of Sacred Music and Dean of the Chapel at Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He is the seminary musician, helps oversee the worship life of the campus, and teaches courses in church music and worship. He joined the faculty in 2016. He earned a bachelor’s degree, magna cum laude, in organ performance and the master’s degree in choral conducting from Florida State University.

He is also the staff musician at Montreat Conference Center, a national conference center of the PC(USA) in Montreat, North Carolina, where he spends the summer season overseeing the music for summer worship, directing the Summer Staff choir, offering concerts and lectures, being available as a resource musician for summer events, and engaging in the life of the conference center as a music and worship consultant. He was previously director of music at First Presbyterian Church, Asheville, North Carolina, from 1998 to 2015. 

Eric just completed a term as president of the Presbyterian Association of Musicians (PAM) and continues as co-chair of PAM’s DEI Committee. He has been a contributor to the PC(USA)’s Call to Worship journal and to the Hymn Society journal, The Hymn. He has taught at Columbia Theological Seminary and served as a music and worship consultant in various congregational settings. Awake and Sing: Introductions and Accompaniments, a volume of his hymn introductions and accompaniments for organ, was published in June 2022 by Augsburg Fortress.