Program Essay (must be 1-2 pages double-spaced, between 550-750 words)
Austin Seminary continues to create and cultivate a beloved community of learners and change-makers. In this essay, tell us why you are applying for the degree program you selected and explain how your time in our beloved community will prepare you to serve as you follow God's call in the world.
Autobiographical Essay (must be 1-2 pages double-spaced, between 550-750 words)
We know the beloved communities that have nurtured you could fill pages with stories about your life. We also affirm that the arc of the moral universe is long but bends towards justice. In this essay, tell us about the specific experiences, good or bad, that have equipped and led you to this moment.
Analytical Essay (must be between 5-7 pages double-spaced, not counting bibliography)
We believe that education can bring transformation and liberation, and our professors will meet you where you are to help you hone your ability to critically and theologically engage the needs of the world. In this essay, show us your current ability to write academically, engage with sources, use citations, and express a clear point of view. This essay can be a recent piece of undergrad writing, a previously published article, or written specifically for this application.