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Certificate in Ministry

The Certificate in Ministry (CIM) is a primarily online program for those who seek substantive theological education but who are not planning to pursue study in a degree program. To earn the certificate you must take seven courses. If you want to be more prepared for a church leadership role or you simply wish to enrich your personal biblical and theological understanding, you will be well-served by the CIM program. For potential lay leaders in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the CIM may meet requirements for Commissioned Ruling Elder.

I often think about my CIM experience and how it has and continues to shape me as a disciple and as a commissioned pastor. This past week I preached two funeral services. I am grateful for the professors and classmates from whom I have learned so much. My Austin Seminary experience helped give me the confidence to write and share … There is much to learn, and I am grateful to be learning through Austin Seminary even though I live miles away.

Courses are offered in the fall, winter, and spring each year
Courses that are offered
  • Church History  
  • Theology 
  • Worship and Preaching
  • Christian Education (online with some on-campus instruction)
  • Pastoral Care 
  • PC(USA) Polity  
  • Ethics  
  • Introduction to the Hebrew Bible
  • Introduction to New Testament

Upcoming Courses

* How to Apply

If you are interested in this program, please fill out the "Apply Now" form at right. Please allow up to two weeks for us to process your application. Once you have been admitted to the program, you will be emailed information to register for a course.