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Non-Degree Programs

You don’t have to be enrolled in a degree program at Austin Seminary to engage in meaningful contemplation about matters of faith. We believe that learning is a lifelong practice, and we strive to offer classes—in person or online—that meet the needs of those who are driven to think deeply about matters of consequence.

Certificate Programs

Students enrolled in the Certificate in Ministry program will take classes in Bible and theology, preaching and worship, Christian education, and pastoral care and leadership. All classes are developed and taught by Austin Seminary faculty. All are offered online and one or two require brief times together with other students and faculty on campus. The certificate may meet requirements for Commissioned Ruling Elders in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Learn what courses are offered for the upcoming semester and learn about the procedure for enrolling in the Certificate in Ministry program here.


Our Spanish-language online certificate program, Certificado en Ministerio, designed and taught by Spanish speakers, offers transformative theological learning experiences for ministers, teachers, healers, and community members who want to nourish their minds, hearts, and spirits.

Read more here.

Non-Degree Academic Credit

Each semester some of our master’s-level classes are opened to individuals who are not enrolled in one of our degree programs but who may be interested in either trying out seminary (Special Students) or who simply want to deepen their knowledge and understanding (Auditors).

As a Special Student you are required to fully participate in course work and exams, and you will receive academic credit that may be applied if you later decide to pursue a degree. As an Auditor you are eligible to take the same open classes, but you are not expected to complete class assignments or take exams.

Learn what courses are offered for the upcoming semester and learn about the procedure for enrolling as a Special Student and as an Auditor here.

Ongoing Education

We offer a wide range of learning opportunities through our Center for Lifelong Learning.

Cursos en español / Courses in Spanish

El Certificado en Ministerio está diseñado para pastores o líderes dentro de la iglesia que deseen profundizar y solidificar su educación teológica. Todos los cursos serán impartidos por profesores altamente calificados, líderes en su campo de estudio, y serán impartidos en idioma español.Para más información lee sobre esto aquí.

The Certificado en Ministerio, is designed for pastors and lay church leaders who are interested in deepening their theological education. Courses are taught in Spanish by qualified instructors who are thought leaders in their own field of study.

For more information read about it here.