Core Components of the Program
Be part of a group of peers. Together, you will learn about youth ministry and theology. You will develop life-long relationships that encourage and support you in your ministry.
Receive regular one-on-one coaching from a youth ministry veteran to help master critical ministry skills and apply what you’ve learned. Your coach will also help your church staff and congregation develop a healthy understanding of the role of youth ministry in the life of the church.
The course work is designed to help you understand more than just what to do in youth ministry. You’ll learn to think theologically about the ministry you lead and have the knowledge to design ministry programs that help young people develop a deep, life-changing Christian faith. And your tuition will be fully covered by a tuition grant!
The Center for Youth Ministry Training will place you in a church or ministry where you will gain “in-the-trenches” youth ministry experience by serving 25 hours a week as a local youth minister.
Receive pastoral care and encouragement, empowering you to seek wholeness in your life.