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Degree Programs

Whether you know exactly what you need from seminary or you’re looking for the space and a spark to clarify your calling, five master’s degrees offer flexible options to meet your needs. Our doctor of ministry degree program is designed to invigorate the vocation of seasoned pastors and chaplains.


The Master of Divinity (MDiv) is the degree required for ordained ministry by many denominations. Students ground their ministry preparation in biblical studies and pastoral care; Christian history, theology, ethics, and education; public theology; and in preaching and worship design. Details here.

The MDiv / MSSW is a dual degree offered by Austin Seminary and The University of Texas at Austin Steve Hicks School of Social Work for students with particular interests in agency-based social service, social justice advocacy, policy-oriented ministries, and clinical counseling. Details here.

The MDiv / MBA is a dual degree offered by Austin Seminary and Schreiner University that merges theological education and business acumen. This innovative four-year program responds to the growing demand for faith-based leaders of non-profit agencies, bi-vocational pastors, faith-based entrepreneurship, and the needs of seminary graduates entering solo pastorates. Details here.

The Master of Arts (Theological Studies), or MATS, is a general academic degree that enhances a student’s basic knowledge in theology and the Christian faith. Students who earn the MATS may continue their academic career in a PhD program or work in a position of lay leadership in the church. Details here.

The Master of Arts in Religion (MAR) is a general academic degree that provides a broad, foundational study in Bible, theology, and church history. 

The Master of Arts in Youth Ministry (MAYM) is offered in conjunction with the Center for Youth Ministry Training. Through intensive retreat-based master’s-level classes and practical experience in youth ministry settings, students gain the knowledge and experience they need to thrive in youth-ministry settings. Details here. 

The Doctor of Ministry (DMin) is an advanced degree offered for ordained clergy with three or more years of experience. It is intended to equip its graduates with a high degree of excellence in the practice of ministry. Details here.