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Faces of Austin Seminary

In these stories we'll introduce you to some of the individuals who make up this exemplary community—professors, students, staff, and alumni—each with their unique experiences, perspectives, and contributions. Discover the rich tapestry of backgrounds, beliefs, and aspirations that intersect at Austin Seminary, and gain insight into the profound impact this winsome community has on the world around us.

Featured: Bobbi Kaye Jones (MDiv’80)

During the Fall semester, Zbinden Professor Bobbi Kay Jones’s work commute was just shy of 4000 miles. 

“Basically I planned a cross-country trip to visit with some of our graduates who experienced Austin Seminary during lock down. I hoped to identify and discern who might be interested in a visit and then spend time visiting folks where they are … Along with all my colleagues, I care deeply about the post-seminary experiences of our alumni. There are graduates from 2020 who have already moved from their first call due to the challenges they faced. My visit was, in a real way, delivering pastoral care from Austin Seminary. With forty years leading congregations and judicatories, I identify keenly with their lived realities in congregations and organizations,” she said. 

Meet Bobbi Kaye

"Jesus said, If you have two coats, give one away to a person that needs one. I thought the same thing applied to my kidney."

With the odds of a match at 100,000 to 1, Shane Webb (MDiv’11) donates a kidney to a family member of one of his parishioners.